What is Lodestar?
Lodestar will be a new kind of social network focussed exclusively on delivering a better world. The project to deliver it is described here.
Why Do We Need It?
The world we live in is far removed from the one most people want. Yet there seems little chance of escape. Lodestar aims to breakout by creating the focus and confidence so painfully lacking and channelling it into a force for action.
How Will it Work?
Starting with each individual member, Lodestar creates a profile of beliefs and opinions to crystalise the member’s vision of that better world. Along the way it builds a deeper understanding of the areas where the member can personally make a difference, boosting the confidence to act.
How Does Lodestar Create Action?
The member’s profile is used to build communities of like-minded members. Tools are provided to help these communities form ideas for change. As these ideas sharpen, further tools are added to create projects.
What’s So Special About Lodestar Projects?
They are solidly rooted in member’s beliefs, crafted into a vision of that better world and then targeted into areas where they can make a significant difference.
Where Do Lodestar Projects Lead?
Lodestar will promote the broadest range of projects, focused on root problems and balanced to avoid overlaps. A system of shared credits provides incentives for the biggest impacts.
Lodestar is a large, ambitious project, currently in its early stages. Focus right now is on recruiting experienced volunteers to build the organisation & secure the backing required.
If you can help us with that, please use the contact form to get in touch. Other ideas or contacts are always welcome too.